The importance of your sound masking specification shouldn’t be underestimated.

In order to save you time and effort, while ensuring effective and comfortable sound masking, we offer two types of specs. Simply choose the one that works best for your project.

To sole source

If you can sole source your sound masking system, download the LogiSon Sound Masking 3-Part Specification.

Selecting the LogiSon Acoustic Network provides industry-leading sound masking performance, as well as access to premium services and many unique features, including:

  • Patented networked technology
  • Precise automated TARGET tuning
  • Multi-tiered network architecture
  • Fully programmable in-room controls
  • Truly random masking sound generation
    Truly random masking sound generation
  • Enhanced diagnostic and supervisory features
  • End-to-end monitoring, down to each speaker 
  • A dedicated hardware control panel
  • Encrypted communication with the control panel
  • Automatic geographic addressing of devices
  • Streamlined appearance for open ceilings
  • Enhanced timer functions
  • Simplified cabling in your ceiling
  • Fail-safe power supplies

If your application requires any of these exclusive features, use the LogiSon Sound Masking 3-Part Specification.

It's worth it.


To allow alternate bids

If you absolutely can’t sole source, it’s still essential to set a performance bar.

While it’s unusual for a manufacturer to offer a spec that opens the door to competitors, we feel the Generic Performance-Based Sound Masking Specification provides key benefits to clients who require multiple proposals.

Project teams in this position often try to use a proprietary spec or one cobbled together from various proprietary specs.

In the former case, the terms can only be met by one vendor. In the latter, they can’t be met by any vendor. The spec ends up being ignored, leaving the facility’s acoustics up to chance.

The generic spec will help achieve effective masking performance across your space, regardless of which product you ultimately select. This document:

  • Does not contain proprietary elements
  • Focuses on qualities critical to masking performance
  • Uses evidence-based criteria set to commonly-achievable levels
  • Allows modern networked-decentralized systems to be bid

If you ensure that proposals adhere to this spec and hold your vendor accountable to its post-installation steps, no one can take shortcuts at your expense.