Since this is our first posting, let me introduce myself and the purpose of this blog. My name is Niklas Moeller and I’m Vice President of K.R. Moeller Associates Ltd (KRM). We’re a global developer and manufacturer of sound masking technologies. You may have heard of our most well-known and successful product, the LogiSon Acoustic Network.
Before I dive into the blog, just a little more background about me and KRM…
In 1978, my parents started K.R. Moeller Associates Ltd. At that time, they focused on major corporations’ space planning requirements, but they also marketed a sound masking product as a means to fill the gaps between projects. In just a few years, this little known technology became so popular with clients that it took over as the business’ sole purpose.
I’ve been fascinated with acoustics since I was a kid (should have seen the seven-foot loudspeakers I built for my stereo), so it was no surprise that I joined the company in 1998. Whether it entered my blood through osmosis – growing up in a home that lived and breathed the family business – or is just innate, there’s no doubt that it’s an obsession. Some describe me as the company’s product visionary. I’m always greeting the R&D team with “I have an idea…”
So, as you can tell, I’m really passionate about solving acoustical problems. Every day, I think about how to make spaces sound better for people so that they can work and feel better. Some of the problems I solve include helping people manage speech privacy, noise control, acoustical comfort, music and paging needs.
As part of KRM’s senior management team, I have many roles, but a responsibility I particularly enjoy is research and development, where my experience and imagination are combined into creating fantastic sound masking products. In fact, one of my proudest professional achievements was to lead our in-house R&D team to fundamentally revolutionize the industry by conceiving of and developing the first entirely new class of sound masking technology in decades: networked, decentralized systems. This new category of sound masking systems has not only earned our company 17 product awards to date, but numerous international patents and the position as industry leader. When I’m not working on product development, I lead research projects and international market development, write byline pieces for industry publications, attend events and provide education on sound masking. I also work closely with our local representatives and clients around the world. We may have met and spoken already…or not yet!
Now let me get back to what we plan to do with this blog. The goal of soundmaskingblog.com is to share with you a range of topics pertinent to all things acoustic. We plan to write about introductory basics, specific applications, myth busting, my own experiences, and more. We aim to enlighten and engage. Our first postings will cover some basic principles in manageable chunks and we’ll gradually move on to a variety of topics. We’ll also share the latest industry trends, and even what goes on behind the scenes at KRM. Postings will come from myself and other topic experts within our organization. Most importantly, we value and are interested in your feedback, your comments and your opinions about our blog. And, if you have any ideas for topics, please let us know!
I hope you’ll find our blog helpful, visit us often and use this site as a resource. As I said before, please leave us your comments and opinions.